Find out more about the Cisco-Curtin Centre for Network’s areas of research.

Intent Based Networking
Intent Based Networking (IBN) marks a shift in the approach to system networking whereby software and hardware systems (e.g. Cisco DNA) have been developed to provide the architecture to facilitate planning, design and automatic implementation of changes to the network. The Centre focuses on research to develop next generation IBN that combines artificial intelligence (AI) and IBN to fully automate the administrative and operations tasks across networks. Curtin Perth provides a living laboratory for the Centre to research and lead the development of next generation IBN capabilities.

Beyond 5G & autonomous networking
Building on advanced technologies of Cisco such as DNA and IBN, the Cisco-Curtin Centre for Networks aims to develop fundamental networking technologies for future internet and beyond 5G networks. The centre research focus is to utilise machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques, virtualization technologies as well as hardware and software disaggregation technologies for achieving full autonomy in a scalable way i.e. developing a completely zero touch and scalable machine driven network.

Quantum internet
The Centre aims to develop network technologies for creating a dynamic quantum communication network that co-exists with the existing classical internet communication infrastructure. The ultimate objective is to develop networking technologies that enable internet wide and secure access to quantum computing power utilising fundamental properties of quantum physics and quantum information theory.

Test-bed, labs & facilities
The centre is strongly focused on impactful and experimental research. To enable this, the Centre is equipped with an extensive range of testbeds including a Cisco DNA, Cisco network emulator, optical network, quantum network, network programmable hardware, and AI for networks. The Centre also has access to the Curtin University campus network as a living lab testbed which is based on Cisco DNA.