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Partnering with us

The Cisco-Curtin Centre for Networks offers unique access to world-class facilities and global networks for organisations in search of a bold solution for their network and digital connectivity to address business challenges in the wake of emerging technologies. All of our services are designed to educate and help organisations navigate the rapid change of telecom technologies.

Team in a computer lab


To get started on your network transformation journey, you may need some advice about how to design and implement your network infrastructure and automate its operation. You may also need help to adopt new and emerging technologies such as 5G.

Student scholarships

Providing student scholarships can help support local or international students in gaining a PhD in future networks at the Centre.

Contract research

If you are a vendor, an operator or a start-up looking to outsource the development and/or evaluation of new and innovative network and telecom technologies, a commercial research program with the centre can lead to cutting-edge products.

For further information or general enquiries, contact us.