Find out more about some of the Cisco-Curtin Centre for Networks current projects.

5G for autonomous mining
Development of a network solution based on autonomous networking and open private 5G networks to support next generation autonomous mining.

Edge computing of health tech
Development of a multi-access and Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) solution for low latency and predictive resource tracking and management in hospitals.

Quantum network test-bed
Development of a trial test-bed for testing hardware and software technologies for creating a dynamic quantum network supporting quantum security and distributed quantum computing.

Curtin DNA deployment
An intent-based network deployed to provide campus-wide user and application mobility, reduced network complexity, and simplified network segmentation. A test-bed for researchers to evaluate outcomes of their research in a real life environment.

Adaptive network to assist people with disability
By leveraging edge computing with virtual reality, the project aims to develop a low-latency assistive technology solution for range of localization and mapping applications such as indoor navigation, remote training, and guided travel.